Contact                                            Czech

Company DOE spol. s r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague since 7th August 1992, section C, insert 11801, file number: C 11801

Company identification number: 45804818

VA TAX ID No.: CZ45804818

ID of data box: 36j24gq
Domicile - place of the tax registration: V Zápolí 1252/27, 141 00 Praha 4, Czech republic (billing address, only to receive official letters, not place of business)
Place of business - place of delivery goods: U Družstva Ideál 7, 140 00 Praha 4,
Czech republic, Europe (orders, invoices and personal visits, personal visits please after telephone arrangement)
Telephone: (+420) 241412033, (+420) 241413771
Fax: (+420) 241413672
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   DUNS Number: 360559991




DOE spol. s r.o., U Družstva Ideál 1260/7 ,  140 00 Praha 4, V Zápolí 1252/27 ,  141 00 Praha 4 +420 241 412 033 ,  +420 241 413 771 FAX +420 241 413 672